ECS09 Short Course

2-days European Short Course:
Thin Film Coating and Drying – Fundamentals and Applications

You can download the short course announcement as PDF (1,7 MB).


September 5-6, 2009

ECS-Short Course Fee*
before June 1, 2009
after June 1, 2009
Thin Film Coating and Drying – Fundamentals and Applications
€ 950,-
€ 1050,-

*September 5-6, 2009 (fee does not include Symposium registration)


ECS-Short Course Topics

ECS-Short Course Instructors
(in order of appearance):

Schedule for September 5 2009 – Drying:

8:00 AM Drying of thin films
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schabel (KIT)
10:30 AM Coffee Break

10:45 AM

Simulation of industrial dryers
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Scharfer (KIT)
12:45 AM Lunch Break
2:00 PM Selective drying of multi-solvent coatings
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ernst-Ulrich Schlünder (KIT)
3:30PM Coffee Break
3:45 PM Industrial dryers and scale up
Dr. Ted Lightfoot (DuPont)

Schedule for September 6 2009 – Coating:

8:00 AM Rheology of coating fluids
Prof. Dr. Norbert Willenbacher (KIT)
10:00 AM Coffee Break

10:15 AM

Self-metered coating methods
Prof. Hadj Benkreira (University of Bradford)
12:15 AM Lunch Break
1:30 PM

Pre-metered coating methods
Dr. Peter Schweizer (Polytype)

3:30PM Coffee Break
3:45 PM

Gravure coating
Dr. Ted Lightfoot (DuPont)

4:45 PM

Closing Remarks

Instructor Biographies
(In order of short course appearance)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schabel
... is head of the Thin Film Technology (TFT) Chair at Germany’s esteemed Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). TFT is supported by KIT’s Elite Future Concept program along with a consortium of industrial organizations including Bayer, BASF and Roche. In 2004, Wilhelm Schabel received his doctor degree in Chemical Engineering, with honors. His thesis, “Drying of Polymeric Films“, earned him the Carl Freudenberg Award for the best doctoral thesis
at the University of Karlsruhe. 2004 to 2006, Dr. Schabel led a research group at the University of Karlsruhe, and from 2007 to 2008 he served as a Research and Project Engineer at LOFO High Tech Film at Weil am Rhein, for the ShinKong Group (Taiwan). Among his honors and awards, Dr. Schabel was granted the Arnold Eucken Award in 2007 conferred by the Federation of German Chemical Engineers. In September 2008, the L.E. Scriven Award was presented to Dr. Schabel at the biennial meeting of the International Society of Coating Science and Technology in Marina del Rey, California. He is currently an ISCST Director and organizes the next biennial series of European Coating Symposia, the ECS 2009 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Prof. Schabel is an expert in mass transfer and thermodynamic in thin polymeric films, analytical techniques and numerical simulation tools for industrial film drying applications.

Dipl.-Ing. Philip Scharfer
... received his diploma degree in Process Engi- neering from the University of Karlsruhe (TH) in 2003 with distinction. He worked for his doctoral degree from 2003 to 2008 at the Chemical Engineering department and is currently waiting to defend his thesis “On Mass Transport in Fuel Cell Membranes”. In the past years Mr. Scharfer established the thin film research at Germany’s esteemed Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to-
gether with Prof. Schabel. Since March 2009, Mr. Scharfer is head of Thin Film Technology (TFT) at the KIT Campus North with new laboratories and modern analytical tools for coating and drying characterisation and a new pilot scale R2R coating facility. TFT is supported by KIT’s Elite Future Concept program along with a consortium of industrial organizations including Bayer, BASF and Roche. Mr. Scharfer is currently an ECS committee member and organizes the 2-day European Short Course “Thin Film Coating and Drying – Fundamentals and Applications” at the next biennial series of European Coating Symposia (ECS 2009) in Karlsruhe. Besides his practical skills and his competence as a consultant, Mr. Scharfer is an expert in mass transfer and thermodynamic in thin polymeric films, analytical techniques and numerical simulation tools for industrial film drying applications.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Ernst-Ulrich Schlünder
... received his doctoral degree from the Technical University Darmstadt in 1962 under the supervision of Prof. Krischer. From 1964 to 1966 he was director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Fluid Research in Göttingen, Germany. In 1967 he moved to Karlsruhe to become full professor and director of the Institute of Thermal Process Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) as successor of Prof. Emil Kirsch- baum, the founder of chemical and process enginee-
ring in Germany. After his retirement in 1997 – after 30 years in Karlsruhe – he taught as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami, Florida until 1999. In 2000, Prof. Schlünder moved back to Germany and until 2008 had a position as an Adjunct Professor at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg. During his academic career, Prof. Schlünder spent several years overseas as visitng professor at IIT Madras, India, UC Berkeley, USA, ENSIC Nancy, Fr, University of Canterbury, Christchurch NZ, University of Cambridge, UK. He gave short courses in “Heat Transfer in Packed, Agitated and Fluidized Beds” in various countries and a short course on “Drying” in Germany from 1972 until 2000 every year. Prof. Schlünders research was honored by various national and international awards. Some special fields of his interest in teaching and research are funda- mentals of heat transfer, mass transfer and thermal separation processes, covering a wide variety of technical applications such as e.g. evaporation and drying processes implying solvent mixtures, mass transfer controlled dynamic azeotropes and selective drying. Prof. Schlünders is author of numerous scientific articles and text books.

Dr. E.J. (Ted) Lightfoot
... holds a B.S.E in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University along with a M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Since graduate school he has been employed by DuPont in various businesses including photo- graphic film, Teflon® and Tedlar® films, Optilon ® display films and optical coatings. He has worked in R&D, Manufacturing Technology, Application Development as well as management. He is certified
as a Six Sigma Black Belt for Growth and is currently assigned as a Principal Investigator in DuPont’s Photovoltaic Fluorinated Materials business. He was the first US citizen to become an Industrial Fellow at the University of Minnesota Center for Interfacial Engineering (where he studied drying stresses about particulate inclusions in photographic film). He teaches in the AIMCAL Converting School and through TAPPI served as chapter editor for the Roll and Web Defect Terminology (2nd Editon). He is a founding director of the International Society for Coating Science and Technology and currently serves as President of the ISCST.

Prof. Dr. Norbert Willenbacher
... is head of the Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics at University of Karls- ruhe (TH) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since 2004. He received his diploma degree in Physics and his PhD from the University of Mainz. After his dissertation at the Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz he joined BASF SE, working there as a research associate in the fields of rheology of complex fluids and adhesion of soft poly-
mers for 15 years. His current research interests are: rheology and microstructure of colloidal suspensions, emulsions & surfactant foams including new measuring techniques like optical microrheology, high frequency mechanical rheology and ultrasonic spectroscopy, stability and flow-induced aggregation of colloidal suspensions, rheological analysis and characterization of industrial high speed coating processes including extensional rheology of thickener solutions and related coating formu- lations, development and implementation of methods for in-line process control, rheological phenomena in microfluidic devices and processes, molecular principles of polymer adhesion. Prof. Willenbacher is president of the German Society of Rheology and assigned member of the ProcessNet Technical Committee on Rheology. He is section editor of Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science and member of the Editorial Board of Rheologica Acta.

Prof. Hadj Benkreira
... received his B.Eng and M.Sc degrees (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Bradford (UK) in 1976 and 1977 respectively. He stayed on at Brad- ford and obtained his PhD in the Fluid Mechanics of Coating Flows in 1980 under the supervision of Pro- fessor W.L. Wilkinson (FRS). Following five years of EPSRC postdoctoral research, he joined the aca- demic staff of the University of Bradford in 1985 and was endowed a Personal Research Chair in 1998 for
research in Thin Film Coating and in Polymer Processing. His has published widely on roll coating flows, including forward, reverse, deform- able and gravure and in recent years in Dynamic Wetting. He is presently Associate Dean for Research & Knowledge Transfer at the School of Engineering, Design & Technology of the University of Bradford, one of the UK's leading research institutions in polymer engineering. Professor Benkreira is member of several learned societies and colleges including the UK EPSRC Peer Review College, the ISCST of which he was the Vice President in 2006-8 and the European Coating Group which he founded with colleagues in 1992 and which now organizes the biennial series of European Coating Symposia.

Dr. Peter M. Schweizer
... received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1979, and he did post-doctoral research in coating flows at the University of Minnesota with Prof. Scriven in 1979 – 1980. From 1981 – 1986, Dr. Schweizer worked in the Coating Flow Research Group at Kodak in Rochester, New York. From 1987 – 1996, he worked at ILFORD in Fribourg, Switzer- land, where he assumed responsibilities for Process
Technology and Engineering. From 1997 – 2000, Dr. Schweizer was Managing Director of TSE Troller Schweizer Engineering in Switzerland, one of the leading manufacturers of coating dies. Since 2001, he works for Polytype Converting in Fribourg, Switzerland, a supplier of coating and drying processes and a manufacturer of coating machines, where he is responsible for Process Development. Dr. Schweizer is co-editor of the book entitled Liquid Film Coating, which appeared in 1997. In 2006, he received the John A. Tallmadge Award for Contributions to Coating Technology from the International Society for Coating Science and Technology (ISCST).

european coating symposium